Cooroy’s Meet the Candidates forum – 22 February 2024

Last night I attended the Cooroy Meet the Candidates forum at Coory Memorial Hall. Thanks to the Chamber of Commerce for organising, and all who attended. In the spirit of transparency, and for those who missed it, here is what I said! I’ll do a video shortly too.

I was on this stage just 2 months ago singing Christmas carols in the Cooroy festival. That night is a great example of the community spirit here.

I live in Cooroy with my partner, Roy, who runs two small businesses from the industrial park, and we’re members of the chamber.

My background is in finance and accounting, and then teaching accountants. Yes, I’m a nerd. I spent my 20’s and 30’s working in the city, and my 40’s working remotely from home. Now as I hit my 50’s it feels like the right time to serve the community. I’m old enough to have experience to offer, but young enough to give council my all, for a few terms!

I decided to run in this election because I have skills and qualifications that the community has been asking for – financial literacy, business experience, the ability to negotiate and work effectively with others.

Some Noosa residents are happy with the way things are and want to protect their lifestyles from change, and I respect that. But many are frustrated with council and are feeling let down and really want to see change and feel heard. Is that you?

Using my skills in due diligence and cashflow modelling, my mission will be to make sure ratepayers money is being used in the best interests of the WHOLE community and is focussed on the basics – roads, bridges, traffic, parking, waste, and protecting the environment.

The issue I’m hearing most about is housing – we all know the shortage affects everyone, but especially lower income workers and families.  Workers are living in their cars or hours away because they can’t find a home here. That’s just not fair.

All levels of government need to work together to increase supply, and council can do more – like freeing up land, and allowing more homes on larger blocks.

It can also crack down on STA properties to return homes to residents. The population is going to keep growing, and we need to find solutions that work for the way our community wants to live now and in the future, not just to put money into the hands of developers or distant investors. Community led solutions.

My values are based around fairness and equity. In my professional career and as a volunteer, I’ve proven that I get my hands dirty, I get the job done, I tell it like it is and I stand up for what’s right. I’m here to represent the community, and I’ll use everything I’ve got to work with other councillors and the mayor to get the best outcome for you.

Tourists are welcome, but residents come first.

Think carefully about who should manage ratepayers money. Your money.

I’m Nicola Wilson. Put me in your top 6.


6 responses to “Cooroy’s Meet the Candidates forum – 22 February 2024”

  1. Graham Mallett Avatar
    Graham Mallett

    Love the comment tourists are welcome but residents come first. Council needs to stop being event organisers and serve the ratepayers

    Noosa shire doesn’t end at Hastings st

    1. Thank you! I should credit that term to Amsterdam’s City council, it’s their policy.

  2. We need to take the nooses out of NSC. The hinterland is the backbone of our shire.You have our vote and best wishes

    1. Thanks so much Cliff. I commit to acting in the interests of the whole community and to making sure the hinterland isn’t forgotten or ignored!

  3. Very impressed by your speech in Cooroy, Nicola and also by your reply to Noosa Tourism! You’ve got guts and that’s what Noosa Council needs.
    A bit worried though about freeing up land. Our wildlife, environment and biodiversity have suffered so much through abusive old development applications recently that this will have to be done very carefully and in consultation with our community, not only LNP minded developers.
    Development applications older than 3 years should lapse and have to be re-applied. Due to climate change and climate emergency, what has been approved 10 or 15 years ago and possibly kept for speculation should no longer be valid.

  4. Thanks Bernard, and great to hear your view. Oh yes definitely sensitive and sustainable approach to freeing up land. No firm view on particular locations (I’m not a developer!!!), just a potential idea that council can look at (since this is mostly a state and federal responsibility). I have no plans to make our environment suffer more and agree with your concerns. Much more review needed before approvals. 3 year lapse is a great idea, and would have helped the Glossies at Sunrise Beach for example.
    Hope to meet you soon, Nicola